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4.55/5 (11 votes)
myriade the outdoor pool ont the rooftop terrace


  • 219 units on 20 stories 
  • Studios, 1 and 2 bedrooms 
  • Move-in-ready
  • 760 to 840 square feet

For rent starting at $1,350 per month


Myriade is a condominium project located in the heart of the Quartier des Spectacles and nearby multiple typical Montreal attractions, including the îlot Clark. Myriade apartments will offer many amenities in its surrounding. With this cultural space of the Quartier des Spectacles accross the street, the residents of Myriade will be able to enjoy an expansive terrace, restaurants, urban furniture, a skating rink and much more! It is an ideal destination to see shows, socialize, relax and get a little exercise. 

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